Article in “Advertising technology”
People need orientation and security. “Orientation is a fundamental human need. Disorientation or the feeling of being lost causes stress, anxiety, and discomfort,” explains Gerhard Schlüter, Managing Director of sis | sign information systems. Therefore, the use of wayfinding and orientation systems in public areas is particularly important. They enable quick orientation within a location and guide people without prior local knowledge to their desired destination.
In the current issue 4|2021 of the magazine “Werbetechnik”, leading signage experts were interviewed about wayfinding and orientation systems. The result is the very interesting article by Sarah Kleinen titled “Zielführende Zeichen” (Purposeful Signs).
If interested, we would be happy to send the full article by email. The entire issue can be found on the “Werbetechnik” website of WNP Verlag.
#Leitsysteme #Orientierungssysteme #Signage #Werbetechnik #Orientierungsdesign